Welcome to episode #96 of the Morning Upgrade Podcast. In this week’s episode I spoke with Brandi Fleck, a writer, podcaster, and owner of Human Amplified.
Top Talking Points
- The benefits of spiritual journeys and knowing your true self.
- A system for scheduling your tasks that also allows for flexibility in your schedule.
- The importance of using your intuition to guide your path through life.
Resources & Links
Connect With Brandi at HumanAmplified.com
Find The Books Mentioned on Kindle or Audible:
Everyday Heroes by Dave Carroll
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Morning Upgrade podcast with Ryan Cote where we feature casual conversations with entrepreneurs about personal development and growth.
Hey, Brandi, welcome to the Morning Upgrade podcast. How are you?
I’m good, Ryan, how are you doing?
Doing fantastic. Yeah, I’m really excited to talk to you. over these next 15 minutes, let’s introduce you to my audience of mourning upgraders tell everyone who you are, what you do for a living, and then give us a win happening in your life right now.
Okay, well, first of all, thank you for having me here. I’m so excited to talk to your audience. I am a storyteller. I’m a podcaster. I’m a writer and artist. And, gosh, just a creative, so many things a mom, a wife, I own the website Human Amplified. And that’s where we have the podcast. And basically, I just, love telling stories and helping people to live their life without fear and to feel safe in being themselves without fear of being seen or heard or judged. And I just think it’s so important, to be ourselves and to embrace our human nature. So in that regard, one of my wins right now is actually it’s health-related. It’s physical. So I’ve been experiencing some dizziness and some just crazy, like nausea and weird health symptoms that nobody’s been able to diagnose for months and months. And it turns out that I am allergic to all kinds of things and have some things going on. So I finally got answers. And I guess the short answer is, that I am changing my morning routine right now to include things that helped me be healthier and feel better.
Do you have clear direction from the doctor on what to do to resolve the health issues?
Yeah, no, that’s fine. I signed on with a functional health practitioner, I think, is what she’s called. And we did all these tests. And so I’m cutting foods out of my diet that I’m allergic to or sensitive to. And it’s, it’s literally like, oh, and I’m also cleaning up my diet with getting rid of chemicals and all those things. And it’s like, changed my life in a matter of two weeks already. Like it’s excellent. Yeah, total game plan. For sure.
Well, that’s a great takeaway from my audience. Everyone’s if anyone’s experiencing the same thing to explore the similar paths. So thanks for sharing. You also mentioned fear. I love that because it’s interesting. Like we’re, we just in my in the book club that I do with my agency, Valentine, we just finished Who Moved My Cheese, which is, you know, it’s a classic. It’s got like a billion reviews on Google, sorry, to Amazon. And part of what they talk about is like, not being afraid of change, sometimes change is good. And they pose the question, what would you do? If you weren’t afraid? If there was no fear that you maybe think of that when you mentioned that?
Yes. Yeah. I think that’s all related to like, yeah, the meaning of life really? Well, if you aren’t afraid?
What is the meaning of life? Now that you mentioned that? What is the meaning of life for you through Brandi’s lens? What’s the meaning of life?
I think it’s just to be ourselves. We’re here to embrace our nature and learn and it’s part of our nature to expand. And when I think about the meaning of life, I think that everything that goes on in our bodies, and our minds sort of mimics the bigger nature of things. And so like, science has proven that the universe is expanding. So when we expand ourselves, we sort of get to experience that bigger universe too. It’s sort of like, heady, but I would say that’s, that’s the meaning of life to just embrace our nature and to I don’t know, it’s sort of spiritual, I guess it’s sort of a spiritual journey.
Yeah. Sounds like it. When did you start going, going through this journey of finding out who you are and living your authentic, authentic life? When did you start? When did that journey start for you?
I would say that it probably started when I was really young, you know, just super tiny because there was no conditioning, there was no thought that I couldn’t be me. And then as I grew, probably like, from the point of like, eight years old, up until 2017, so that would have decades and decades, I was conditioned to be a certain way and to not do these things. And so, you know, traumas happen, life happens, as you said, change happens. And then you sort of get away from yourself. And so in 2017, I had a little wake-up call, and just let me think about this. The timeline gets blurry. So I had a big divorce in 2015. And was going through some things and then in 2017, is when I’ve started waking up and realizing you know what, I’m not even me anymore. I need to make some changes. And yes, so I’ll call it 2017.
Excellent. You’re making me think of another book that I’m reading right now called Everyday Heroes by Robin Sharma. It’s all about personal development and, and going through the journey of being the hero of your life. But he talks about a story he tells a story about, I’m going to butcher it. But just to get a higher overview, he talks about this golden Buddha that was in a country and it was like it was very muddy or something like that. And it was really gold underneath, but they had covered it with mud to protect it. So like the people invading the country didn’t see it and wanted to steal it. Meanwhile, this muddy Buddha statue was actually gold underneath and he talks to me, it translates to life that we all have like that mud on top of us. And we’ve chipped away that mud to see the gold. And so made me think of that story. Yeah, thanks for sharing with me.
No problem that makes a lot of sense.
So you mentioned your morning routine is different. Now, what does your morning routine look like?
So it’s funny, because I’ve always heard the advice that you’re supposed to have a good morning routine, and that successful people have these morning routines, and I’ve always struggled with it, honestly. So right now, my morning routine consists of taking care of my kids, you know, waking them up, getting them to school, getting them dressed, and making sure they have all their stuff together. And so it’s been that focus for a really long time. But one thing that I always do in the morning, whether I have time to shower in the morning or shower in the afternoon, you know, like that always changes, it seems like it always changes. But I always have my cup of coffee. And I always try to take a minute to just go outside, if I can, even if it’s like for 30 seconds, I’ll just step out on the back, take a breather, and then come back in. Other than taking care of my kids. That is the coffee and the trying to get outside is the constant. And then the part that’s changing is that I’m now trying to have breakfast within the first 30 minutes when I wake up. And that was advice from my health practitioner. So that’s been interesting trying to transition that in and make time for it and prioritize it.
I’m guessing it’s a healthy breakfast, of course.
Yes. Oh, yeah. Very clean, like organic, those types of things so that it doesn’t stress your body.
Yeah, makes a lot of sense. Like the answer of I don’t think I’ve had any guests mentioned that like part of a morning routine, just taking a step outside and just soaking in the sun or if it’s dark or not, but just you know, breathing in the air and just connecting with nature. As I say, I think that’s an interesting element of the morning routine that I haven’t heard mentioned before.
Okay. Yeah, the sun. The sun is so important, I think. Oh, yes. Perhaps for our mood and everything.
Have you heard of the happy light? Yes, yes, I have. I started using that in my morning routine. I have like the light shining on me like a crazy person, as I go through my morning routine cards and stuff. And so I think it makes a difference. You know, it’s like 15 minutes and the UV rays. I think it’s called it they just go into your, your eyeballs, they have to shine it into your eyes. And yeah, not directly, of course, but there’s something to it, I feel better. So you’re getting into the natural way. But there’s something to it. Yeah. So throughout the day, your sound like you’re creating a lot of content, you know, you’ve got a lot going on. Are there any habits that you rely on it can be personal or professional, Are there any habits you rely on throughout the day that you can share with us?
Absolutely. So as a very creative person, I need lots of flexibility to be spontaneous. But I also need to be able to get stuff done. So I rely really heavily on a calendar blocking system that actually a business coach helped me set up a while back. And it basically helps me keep all of the things that I need to do during the day in the right place. But it gives me the flexibility to sort of like pick and choose what I do at certain times in between where the non-negotiables are. So it’s like, instead of going out and buying a calendar or something like that, that’s already pre-done. I just basically set up my calendar in the way that works best for me, and creates flow for me but at the same time allows that flexibility, if that makes sense.
I’ve heard of this time blocking for time management. One of the masterminds I’m part of, funny you’re mentioning this because our last session which was Friday yesterday, we’ll be talking about this. It’s funny years mentioning it. Well, how does it work? This is a great takeaway for everyone listening, like, do you miss a Sunday and you look at your upcoming week and you put blocks of time in your calendar, you’re going to work on this you’re going to do that? Is that how it works? Would you do every month at the end of the month?
I will go set up each week for the next month. And then weekly. Once I get into the week. I’m looking at my calendar here on Fridays. I will plan for the next week. I’ll sort of do like a little retrospective of the week and see what I didn’t do. And if there’s anything that could use improvements, then when I plan my time for the next week, I’ll move some of those things over. Does that answer your question?
Yeah, you see, you’re doing your end of the month, you’re planning for the next month? And how are you doing the time blocks? Like if, if, if you have that block of time, you’re gonna do XYZ, but something else comes up. Do you? Are you militant with protecting that time block? Or is it flexible?
Well, that’s where, like, sort of discernment comes in. So like, when I have a meeting, say we had this meeting set up today, that’s a non-negotiable, right? So like, I committed to you, I’m going to be there for it. But then everything that’s in the block, after this interview, I can work on today. But if something else comes up, it’s no big deal, I can totally do it. But if I know I have a deadline coming up on say, Monday or Tuesday, then I’ll be more sort of, I’ll enforce the blocks more rigidly than if I don’t have a deadline coming up.
And I assume this time blocking has helped to grow your business. Are you doing anything else that stands out? What comes top of mind? If I asked you? How have you grown your business over the last few years? What comes to mind first?
Oh my gosh, the first word that comes up is relationships. Honestly, yeah. And like, I’ve tried other stuff, like, I’m so introverted, I would much rather be able to, like focus on SEO and do all these behind the scenes, like website things and but it always stalls out, it always stalls out. And then when I go join a group, or make friends or talk to people who are doing the same thing as me, it’s like the growth just explodes exponentially for both of us or the group of us. And it’s sort of amazing to watch that happen. But it’s hard, to always do that. When you’re introverted and sort of shy.
Yeah, honestly, I’m like, I’m introverted, too. I mean, I’ve gotten better over the years, I still like if I’m going to a social event where I don’t know a lot of people, I still have anxiety over that I thought 43 years old, I get over that. But it’s still there, you know. And so I think it really comes down to like, 100% agree about relationships, just pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. And that’s like, one of the things I wish I had known when I got into the business world, quote, unquote, like 20 years ago, is that I avoid so many networking events, and like building opportunities to build relationships because I made me feel awkward. And I just wish I had just gotten over myself and just push myself to do it. And but never too late to start. So yes, I’ve got one last question for you, Brandy, and then we’re gonna wrap up with you sharing how people can connect with you if they want to learn more, your podcasts, your website, etc, etc. You’ve got, as I said before, a lot going on in the creative world. And all your different businesses like, it sounds like you’re trying to create, like impact, you know, and so what’s your approach to that? Like? What’s your game plan for creating impact over the next, like, 5-10 years?
This is a hard one, this is something that I’m actively working on. And I have discovered that intuition is a big part of my game plan. If something feels right, I follow it. I know that a lot of times in the business world, we need data to back that stuff up. But oftentimes, I’ll go with my gut, then look at the data. So that’s part of it. And then my approach to creating impact is believing in the ripple effect. So even when growth stalls out, or things are going a little slow, I mean, we have our ebbs and flows at human amplified, but to stay motivated, I just have faith in the ripple effect. So I think if this story that we’re telling today, or this resource that we put out today helps one person, that person will incorporate that into their lives, they might smile more, that’ll impact somebody else. And there’s just no way for us to know how far that reach will go. And you just have to have faith in it.
Ripple Effect. You’re speaking my language. I talked about that all the time. Like I agree, like, someone listened to this podcast, it’s going to help people, even if it just helps one person, like you said, like, what will that do to that person that’s to the friends of the family that’s or with that person, you know, even like a smile to some stranger. Not in a weird way, of course, but like a smile, but someone can change a person’s day that, you know, it’s like the ripple effect is so if you wrap your head around like the massiveness of it, it’ll blow your mind.
This was great Brandi, I really enjoyed our conversation. Thanks for everything you shared. If people want to connect with you, where should we send them?
Yeah, well, thank you so much, Ryan. It’s been really fun talking to you. And people can just go to humanamplify.com. And there they will find the podcast. They will find the blog, there is an eBook, a free ebook on what it means to be human that they can download. And it’s just all right there. And then, of course, we’re on all the socials at Human Amplified.
Perfect, thanks, Brandi.
Thank you.
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