I’m a big fan of joining mastermind groups. It’s definitely one of my top three personal development strategies.
I think it helps both with growing your business and with personal development. Over the years, I’ve been a part of several different groups. And in October 2021, I joined a new group called the Legendary Life Community led by Tommy Breedlove.
I met Tommy in another mastermind that we were both part of called Iron Sharpens Iron. He then created this community of like-minded men who have similar goals, and joining felt like the right thing to do. I wanted to network with other men, but I also wanted to be a part of his mission.
Part of the structure of his group is that we are going through Tommy’s book, Legendary. Each week, we have been going through the book and focusing on how it applies to our life and business.
Recently, we did an exercise that has had such a profound impact on my life that I HAD to share it with you here. We worked through this question:
What’s your purpose?
Meaning…Why are you here? What impact do you have on the world? What are you here to do? etc…
Essentially, we were instructed to create a purpose statement.
I’ve never done this before, but it’s been on my mind lately. Maybe it is because statistically, my life is half over…and, as a result, I really want to lean into what my purpose is and live each day intentionally. But I put off doing this because I honestly didn’t believe it would make that much of an impact on me.
What I found from doing this exercise is the exact opposite…it was very clarifying for me.
I struggled to do it, though. And I think one reason I was struggling with coming up with a purpose statement is that I have two really big focuses in my life (professionally). For one thing, I run two marketing agencies that take up a big part of my life. And I started the Morning Upgrade because it’s my passion to help others with personal development.
How could I create a purpose statement that covered both? Do I need two purpose statements? But I really needed to create just one. And the more I thought about it, it suddenly hit me like a lightning bolt – my purpose was to interweave both! Truthfully, I kind of already was…I just wasn’t conscious of it.
How I Created My Purpose Statement

Coming up with my purpose statement wasn’t easy. It took about a dozen renditions to get one that made sense. Then, I pitched it to my mastermind group and received some great feedback from the guys.
To create my purpose statement, I had to answer these questions:
Why am I here?
What do I want to accomplish?
Is my current life meeting my purpose?
Can I combine my two passions, or do I have to pick one?
After a lot of reflection and brainstorming, I came up with this purpose statement for my life:
My mission is to help entrepreneurs upgrade their life and business via digital marketing and personal development strategies so they experience more growth, fulfillment, and impact. I will accomplish this through passionate effort on my marketing agencies and Morning Upgrade, as well as the intentional interweaving of both.
This statement really clicks for me right now. Not that it won’t evolve, but my goal for this year is to really lean into this purpose statement.
How To Create Your Own Purpose Statement
I really recommend that you do this exercise for yourself because it is clarifying…just stick with it! Grab your journal and use these two prompts to get you started:
- Why are you here?
- What do you want to contribute to the world?
Doing this exercise will get your wheels turning and give you a very clear picture of what you’re doing now and what you should be doing. Maybe you’ll find you are right where you need to be. Or you may come to the conclusion that you need to make changes to your everyday life…and to your daily routine.
If you buy Tommy’s book, he also breaks out how to do your purpose statement. He has a formula to help you determine your purpose. Essentially, he guides you to figure out your purpose and then find ways to make money with it, too (if you want). Living your passion AND crafting your career around it, in my opinion, is the ultimate life.
A Purpose Statement Guides Your Decisions
When I was hashing out my purpose statement, I realized that I already interweave personal development in my business life. For example, I send out a weekly newsletter to my team that features personal development tips as a way of injecting personal development into my workplace. Also, I gift the book The Daily Stoic to clients.
Now that I have solidified my mission, it’s guiding my decisions even more.
To give you an actual example to make this more concrete, here’s how I plan to interweave my passion for personal development with my marketing agencies:
- Invite clients to be a guest on the Morning Upgrade Podcast. Even if they don’t come on as a guest, I’m still introducing them to my mission.
- Send my book, The Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon, to clients as a gift. The purpose of the book is to provide a personal development roadmap to help people upgrade their lives and businesses.
Until I did the purpose statement exercise, I never thought of my two passions as being something that could be interwoven. But after doing the exercise, it became very clear to me…and now my antenna is up, looking for more opportunities.
Lean Into Your Purpose Statement

I wanted to share this concept with you because it was very helpful for me. Trying to write down a purpose statement, making edits, getting clarity…it’s all made a big difference for me. And I would love for you to share your purpose statement with me if you’re OK with it. Reach out to me at ryan@morningupgrade.com.
Key Takeaways
- Spend time journaling and thinking about your purpose statement.
- Get feedback from others about what you come up with.
- Take intentional action around your purpose statement.