Book Summaries

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Book Summary Review: Outwitting The Devil

Outwitting the Devil is a creative interview between Napoleon Hill, the author of the book, and the Devil himself (the inner dark self). Hill is considered one of America’s most influential and great thinkers whose works continue to impact significantly even today. In this interview, Hill wrings some truths concerning the roots of evil, meant …

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Book Summary Review: Atomic Habits By James Clear

Human beings are creatures of habit. Despite how small they may look, habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. They may not seem like much in a given day, however, over the months and years, their effects accumulate to an incredible degree. In his book Atomic Habits, published in 2018, James Clear explains the incredible …

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Book Summary Review: The Celestine Prophecy

The Celestine Prophecy is a novel by James Redfield featuring a middle-aged man who walks through the Peruvian jungle searching for nine mysterious Manuscript Insights. Suppressed by the Peruvian government and the church, the Manuscript contained insights into ways the human race evolved spiritually in the 3rd millennium. Through the Peruvian jungle, the man learns …

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Book Summary Review: The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom is a self-help book by Don Miguel Ruiz. Ruiz is a well-known spiritual teacher and the bestselling writer of various books, including the Toltec Wisdom series, The Mastery of Love, and The Voice of Knowledge, among others. Published in 1997, The Four Agreements promotes a modern …

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Book Summary Review: Constructive Living

Life cannot be an uninterrupted high. On the contrary, we occasionally face high and low moments. In the Bible, the apostle Paul stated that he had adapted himself to every kind of circumstance, good or bad. Buddha also pointed out that life has many inevitabilities, including loss, sickness, aging and death. So, if we are …

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Book Summary Review: The Energy Bus

At some point in life, you may have felt discouraged, unmotivated, and that things are falling apart. In this short fable, The Energy Bus, Jon Gordon, a leadership and teamwork expert, explains how to redirect your focus when such feelings occur. The book takes the reader through an inspiring and enlightening journey revealing 10 secrets …

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Book Summary Review: The Slight Edge

As per the US News and World Report, 80% of the yearly resolutions tend to fail by the second week of February. When people fail to push their resolutions to the end, they tend to think they never tried hard enough. However, the truth is that success results from simple and productive actions consistently repeated …

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Book Summary Review: The Miracle Morning

Have you ever had one of those lazy mornings when you wake up at 9 am, checked your social media platforms, commented and reshared some posts, checked and responded to emails, answered missed calls from family members, and clicked a few web pages only to realize it is 1 pm, and nothing tangible has been …

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Book Summary Review: How to Win Friends and Influence People

Introduction Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People is a non-fiction book published in 1936. The book offers a great guide for readers for achieving good lives in various life areas, including emotional, spiritual, mental, and economical. According to the author, this is an action book with many exercises for the readers to …

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Book Summary Review: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is an eye-opening and inspirational novel by Robin Sharma, a renowned Canadian writer, and a speaker on leadership and life management. The book features a fictional lawyer, Julian, who loses control over his life. With his workaholic mindset of working up to 18 hours a day, Julian is winning …

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Book Summary Review: The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy’s The Compound Effect is a self-improvement book published in 2010. Hardy, an American author, and a keynote speaker, has been in the success industry for more than two decades. He is also the visionary force behind Success magazine. In this book, the author highlights the importance of small everyday decisions and their cumulative …

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